Student Code of Conduct

Authority & Jurisdiction

Division of Enrollment & Student Affairs Authority

The Board of Trustees and the president of the University are ultimately responsible for leading the University. The Vice President for Enrollment & Student Affairs (VPESA) is responsible for the student conduct process. The VPESA has given the Director of Student Conduct responsibility for facilitating and implementing a fair and equitable student conduct process, which includes the development and implementation of related policies and procedures. The Director of Student Conduct’s job is to ensure due process for all students and student organizations and to hold them accountable when a violation of University policy occurs. The Director of Student Conduct may delegate that responsibility to other officials or organizations within the University (e.g., Housing and Residence Life staff, Title IX personnel, University Conduct Council).

When there is an incident that a student has committed a violation that is also a crime, the student will participate in the student conduct process and the legal process. These processes operate separately. The student can still be found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct even if charges involving the same incident have been dismissed in the legal process.

University Disciplinary Jurisdiction

The University reserves the right to investigate and resolve reports of alleged misconduct that fall within its jurisdiction. The Student Code of Conduct applies to the following situations:

Incidents involving undergraduate, graduate, online students, a group of students, or a student organization (academic or social) associated with any college, department, or the University as a whole. The University reserves the right to investigate and adjudicate through the student conduct process registered students who allegedly violate the Student Code of Conduct prior to their arrival on campus.

Incidents occurring from the time a student is admitted, enrolled or registered for study at the University for any academic period until their withdrawal from the University or conferral of a degree. Covered incidents include but are not limited to those occurring:

  • During the academic year;
  • Before classes begin or after classes end;
  • While pursuing credits earned off-campus (study away, internships, co-ops, etc.);
  • While suspended; or
  • Off-campus when the violation adversely affects legitimate University interests.