Counseling Services





列出所有导致人们寻求咨询的情况是不可能的,你可以自由地和你的咨询师谈论任何问题. 人们和我们讨论的一些最常见的事情是适应大学, family or relationship issues, feeling anxious or depressed, feeling lonely or unmotivated, eating issues, past abuse or trauma, perfectionism, academic issues, and other mental health issues.

How much does it cost to attend counseling?


Do I need an appointment?

Yes. Appointments are required unless it is an emergency. 如果您遇到紧急情况或需要立即援助, 致电(205)665-6245或在正常营业时间内到CS办公室, and let our staff members know this is an emergency.

How do I schedule an appointment?

To schedule an appointment, call (205) 665-6245, stop by the CS office, or email us at counseling@montevallo.在正常营业时间内,我们的一位工作人员将协助您.

Where is CS located?

CS is located in Puryear House.

Can I request a particular counselor?

辅导员通常是根据时间安排和适合程度分配的. If you have a preference or request, 请让在入学期间与您会面的工作人员知道,我们将尽力满足您的要求.

What should I expect during my first appointment?

During your first appointment, you will complete intake paperwork, review our informed consent, (about-um-administration-student-affairs-counseling-services-Counseling-Services-Informed-Consent),然后与CS的工作人员会面. During that meeting, 你和工作人员将探讨你目前的情况,并制定一个计划来解决它. 在初次约会之后,你将被分配到你经常见面的顾问那里.

What should I expect during my weekly appointments?

Each counselor has a different counseling style and varies in their technique; however, 你可能期望你的辅导员会倾听并认真对待你的担忧, work to help you to address your issues, maintain confidentiality and professionalism, and answer your questions directly and honestly.

What are the qualifications of the CS staff?

CS致力于提供高质量的护理. Our staff is made up of licensed counselors, a master’s level case manager, 和高级毕业生实习生在有执照的专业顾问的监督下.

Is it true that my counselor may be a student?

Yes. In addition to licensed professional counselors, CS也有高级毕业生实习生,他们在一名持牌咨询师的临床监督下为客户看病.

Will my sessions be recorded?

If your counselor is a graduate intern, 他们将录音和/或录像你的会议,并使用他们咨询现场和教师主管, 以及同伴辅导员,以确保护理质量. 在这种情况下,您的身份将受到保护, 所有音频和/或视频磁带在使用后将被销毁. 为了获得咨询服务,您不需要同意录音/录像, and taping WILL NEVER occur without your consent.

What if I want to change counselors?

有时候你和咨询师不是很搭,或者你觉得和某个咨询师谈话不舒服. 我们理解这一点,我们宁愿你们换辅导员,也不愿你们不来. If you would like to change counselors, 我们鼓励你和你见过的咨询师谈谈更换咨询师的事. They genuinely want you to get the help you need, 这样他们就不会生气或被冒犯,并会帮你重新安排与其他咨询师的会面. 如果与你已经见过的辅导员交谈太不舒服或太困难, 你可以联系办公室,要求和CS主任谈谈换辅导员的事.


联邦和州法律以及专业和道德标准通常禁止辅导员透露您提供给我们的任何信息,除非我们事先得到您的书面同意. 然而,有一些例外情况需要辅导员打破保密. Those exceptions are: 1) if you provide information indicating abuse or neglect of a child or dependent adult; 2) If your counselor is court ordered to disclose information about you; 3) if your counselor believes you or someone else needs protection from serious and foreseeable harm.

Who has access to my counseling records?

根据阿拉巴马州法律,咨询记录与你的学习记录是分开的,并且是保密的. 只有CS临床工作人员才能访问临床记录和文档.

Does CS prescribe medication?

CS staff do not prescribe medication. However, CS与UM健康服务和校外提供者密切合作,帮助学生获得新的处方或管理现有药物.

Can I get documentation for missing class, an extenuating circumstances withdrawal, or accommodations through Disability Support Services?

通常,CS不提供这些情况的文档. Under certain circumstances, if there is an ongoing, long-standing relationship with a CS counselor, 为这些特殊需求提供文件的可能性可以和你的辅导员讨论.


由于我们临床实践的短期性质和这个问题的复杂性, CS不能提供情感支持动物的文件. CS can refer you to community provider upon request.

What if I am a parent, another student, faculty, or staff member, and I am concerned about a UM student?

If you are concerned about a student, call CS at (205) 665-6245, 并要求咨询顾问或案件经理谈谈你的担忧. 我们的工作人员将与您讨论您的问题,并帮助确定解决这些问题的最佳方法.

Can someone from CS come speak to my organization?

CS的工作人员可以来你的组织的会议或教室,并提供有关大学生活的各种主题的演讲. 我们准备的一些演讲包括情商, Stress Management, Time Management, Healthy Relationships, Communication, Overcoming Anxiety, It’s Your Move – Bystander Intervention, and Suicide Prevention. 如果你对这些演讲或其他主题的演讲感兴趣, please call us at (205) 665-6245.